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World Languages

Welcome to the World Languages Department of Mattituck Jr. Sr. High School

At Mattituck High School, in World Language classes…

Students will learn about language and culture through the exploration of Spanish and French  study. By exposing themselves to speaking, listening, reading and writing in authentic manners, students will become more well rounded citizens of the global community.

As they progress from new learners of a second language and augment their fluency, students will have many opportunities to utilize their growing skills in authentic settings within the classroom, in our community and in all aspects of their lives.




David Rosenbaum
Department Coordinator

Spanish 2

Spanish 3

Spanish 4

Google Classroom

Alyssa Daniels

Spanish IA
Spanish IB

Spanish 2

Google Classroom 

Andrea Donals

Spanish IB

Spanish 2

Google Classroom
World Language Club

Paola Moore

Spanish 1A

Google Classroom 


Course Offerings